
“Majority of construction companies believe green is a nuisance”

Co-principal for Chalabi Architekten speaks out ahead of World Eco Construct

The co-principal of Austrian architecture firm Chalabi Architekten & Partner has said companies ignoring green building practices “will put themselves at risk”.

Speaking ahead of his presentation at World Eco Construct in Abu Dhabi next month, Talik Chalabi has stated that one of the challenges facing the building industry in the region is to recognise the long term benefits of adopting sustainable green building practices.

Minimum efficiency ratings set by governments mean construction companies bear the responsibility to adhere to modern building standards that render a building passable by law, a statement released by his company read.

“Any cost benefit calculation speaks against green building construction in today’s market,” Chalabi is quoted as saying.

“New niches, however, are being created at the expense of otherwise outdated products which positions the ‘green approach’ as the conduit to rejuvenate and reshape the building industry.”

His calls have been backed by Carboun Initiative coordinator, Wissam Yassine, who contributes to BGreen and The Big Project in the run up to his attendance at the UN climate negotiations, COP18, to be held in Doha December 2012.

“No longer is it the norm to construct buildings that are inefficient, endurable and built with unsustainable material. Achieving minimum sustainability standards is an absolute must and there are definitely cost effective measures that have a very small payback period.’’

“The buildings sector in the region has undergone a significant transformation in the last couple of years – in part driven by government initiatives such as Estidama.  This has challenged the perception of architects, engineers and contractors involved in such projects,” Yassine added.

BGreen editor Praseeda Nair and The Big Project editor, Melanie Mingas will chair some of the discussions at World Eco Construct, Abu Dhabi April 22-24

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