Law for security guards and providers ‘needed across the Gulf’

Regional countries should follow Dubai’s lead in having legislation covering security consultants, experts say

Gulf countries need dedicated laws governing security consultants and enhanced training procedures for employees, experts say, pointing to Dubai’s comprehensive legislation in the field.
Adel Abdel-Hadi, the managing director of the Dubai-based security consultancy IES, pointed to Law No. 24 of 2008, amended in 2014, which governs security service providers and users in the emirate of Dubai.
He said the industry is “implementing the law to the full regarding training, equipment, manpower and the rest of security disciplines”, and called on GCC countries to following Dubai’s lead.
“This law is not in many countries in the region at all and if these countries aspire to improve security consultancy, then they should introduce similar laws,” he said.
The Dubai law specifically describes the jobs of security experts and it is very thorough, according to Abdel-Hadi.
“It encompasses what is expected from security guards, security supervisors, security managers, security control room operators, technicians, engineers of security systems,” he said.
The law specifies the penalty for certain violations such as working without a license or installing prohibited equipment.
Munaf Al Nidawi, chief executive of security consultancy Consquare, said enhancing legislation is not enough, saying that more training in the sector is needed.
“We need to enhance education and knowledge about the security importance globally and locally as well as develop certain courses and not waste the time of the security crew,” said Al Nidawi.
“I saw a lot of courses in the area and most of them are just wasting time and gathering income as they aren’t following the current market demand and security status.”