There is a need for ongoing policy reviews, driver training and more. Reflecting on media reports and personal daily observations, it’s easy...
Why building information modelling has picked up pace globally. From pre-planning and design stages of a project to operation and maintenance of...
What corporate taxation reforms would mean for your business. Interest in United Arab Emirates taxation has been aroused again by the under-secretary...
How the buildings of the future will secretly make us all more sustainable. 'Smart' is a term that has taken over the...
How building information modelling can help meet sustainability goals. Building information modelling (BIM) is a revolutionary technology and coordinated process to create...
David Sammons on the benefits of underground environments. A 40°C Dubai summer is a far cry from the minus 30°C winter of...
Autodesk's Louay Dahmash on how to successfully adopt BIM. Over the last decade, Building Information Modelling (BIM) has transformed design and construction...
William Whistler explains this often misunderstood term. Q. William, your company, Green Building Solutions, focuses on inspecting and testing the quality of...
Michael Conner of Faithful+Gould on how public-private partnerships can help close the infrastructure gap. The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region’s sizeable infrastructure-investment...
JLL’s Craig Plumb on how the Dubai real estate market is changing. The pace of construction activity has certainly picked up in...