John Williams of EC Harris tells The Big Project about the multi-million dollar contract and working in partnership with Mace. As far...
Afschin Soleimani, director of Fire and Life Safety at Ramboll Middle East, outlines how the new UAE Fire code will help establish...
As the first Emarati to compete in a global yacht race Adil Khalid has become a national hero in the UAE. He...
With a population in excess of 30 million people, the fifth largest oil reserves in the world and little development in decades,...
Following the recent decision by the Dubai Real Estate Court which rejected a lawsuit by investors in Victory Tower in Business Bay,...
Based upon a round table discussion attended by speakers from Infrastructure ARABIA Summit, a four-day conference taking place alongside WORLD ecoConstruct, 22-25...
Dr Arman Farahmand-Razavi, director of Transport, Ramboll Middle East, UAE talks about the importance of getting the best out of existing assets....
It goes without saying that buying construction equipment can be an expensive exercise. It can be a maddening fact that despite the...
Mike Williams, senior director of Research and Consultancy at CBRE Bahrain, gives us his views on the real estate market there. The...
An unseasonably cold and wet week in Paris did not prevent the industry from unleashing its latest wave of machinery and equipment...