Galfar awarded $58.4m contract for Omani road

Project to be one of the most challenging in the Sultanate’s modern history, Ministry official says

Galfar will work on what will be one of Oman’s most challenging road construction projects in its modern history.
Galfar Engineering and Contracting will be awarded a $58.4m contract to build one of the most challenging road construction projects in Oman, it was announced on Thursday.
The 94km long, Hasik and Shuwaimiyah road project is a two-lane carriageway in the Dhofar region that was originally awarded for approximately $177.9m on the basis of an aerial survey, which took place more than five years ago, a Times of Oman report said.
However, since then, the overall work and subsequent cost has shown a substantial increase due to several changes, including the re-alignment of some parts of the road (due to Cyclone Gonu). Furthermore, proper bridges needed to be built, instead of culverts, in some areas.
A source at Gulfar told the newspaper that the difficult terrain of the area had escalated the cost, due to it being a ‘difficult and hilly area’.
Earlier in the year, the director of the Design Department at the Ministry of Transport and Communication said that because the road goes through a mountainous region that is important for environmental and tourism regions, the project was especially challenging.
Engineer Salah bin Khalifah Al Shukhaili added that the changes to the road project were aimed at making the carriageway an all-weather road.
Galfar said that it had submitted its variation order a year ago, and the Ministry of Transport and Communication had reconciled the estimates earlier this week.
According to the company website, the project will involve 7.8mm3 of excavation, 5mm3 of which is expected to be rock. There will be 4mm3 of filling works, 60,000m2 of MSE walls and about 120,000m3 of concrete works.