
Himoinsa sells five generator sets to Egypt

European generator manufacturer to supply water-treatment plants, does not disclose value of deal

PHOTO: The Himoinsa generator sets will activate the water purification systems whenever a power cut occurs. Credit: Himoinsa

Himoinsa has sold five generator sets for operation in four water treatment plants in Egypt, the company said in a newsletter.

The European generator manufacturer did not immediately disclose the value of the deal.

The Egypt water-purification project is funded by the Spanish development aid fund, and is worth $19.4 million. It aims to purify 150,000 cubic metres per day of urban wastewater – equivalent to that produced by 500,000 people – and reuse the water for irrigation.

The Himoinsa generator sets activate the water purification system whenever a power cut occurs, “something that happens quite frequently in this area”, according to Leopoldo Lainz, Asia Pacific development manager for Acciona Agua, a Spanish company specialising in water treatment solutions responsible for the design, procurement, operation and maintenance of the four plants in Egypt.

Abnoub-El Fath – the largest plant, with a flow of 82,000m3 per day – is home to two of the open generator sets, the HMW-1135 T5 and HTW-2030 T5 models, with MTU and Mitsubishi motors respectively. These two gensets have outputs of 1200kVA and 2250kVA.

The Sodfa-El Ghanayem and El Ayat sewage plants, which have similar characteristics, have been equipped with HTW-920 T5 generator sets with Mitsubishi 1,000kVA motors. Both emergency gensets will help maintain activity at each of the plants.

The plant in Abu Simbel, a leading tourist destination in Egypt, is equipped with a 400kVA generator set, the HMW-350 T5 model, with an MTU engine, as this is the smallest plant, with a daily flow of 6,000m3.

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