With assets in the Middle East nearing the end of their expected design life and production showing no signs of slowing down, stresses on plants and refineries are increasing at an exponential rate.
Operators and technicians face challenges that keeps growing both in volume and urgency. Therefore plant maintenance requires continuous attention and investment in order to meet the rise in operational demands. This is true for both the plant itself and for the teams that ensure its reliability and efficiency.
Total Plant Maintenance conference and workshop will be held from the May 11-13 in Dubai, UAE and will cover a unique horizon of engineering principles ranging from reactive and proactive maintenance, total productive maintenance, reliability centred maintenance, root cause analysis and cost effective inspection and maintenance.
A full day workshop on ‘Characterising Planning, Scheduling and Resourcing Issues that focus on Underlying Dynamical Systems and Capabilities of Planning Systems’ by Professor Len Gelman is expected to throw light on robust total plant maintenance regime to capture the maximum value of assets and sustainable plant.
Key speakers at the event include Cotiga Gabriel, Planning Engineer, Saudi Aramco Total Refining and Petrochemical Company (SATORP), UAE; Ignacio S. Gatell, Senior Manager, Business Systems, EMAL, Abu Dhabi; Ahmed H. El-Banna, Operation Readiness & Assurance (OR&A) Engineer, BAPETCO, Egypt; Ahmed El Garf, Mechanical Engineer (Quality, Loss Prevent, HAZOP), Chevron, Egypt; and Khalid Al Raies, Senior Rotating Equipment Engineer, BP/PhPC, Egypt.