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UAE Labourers cool off

Abu Dhabi Construction companies management could face stiff fines under a new decree entitling outdoor workers to midday breaks from the sun

The regulation, by the Ministry of Labour, comes into force between June 15 and September 15 this year. It means companies in the capital will be required to stop work between 12.30 and 3pm unless they have received prior approval from the Ministry.

First-time violators can expect a fine of almost US$ 3,000 as well as a six month restriction from issuing work permits, while second and third-time offences will lead to fines of $ 4,000 and $5,500 respectively, in addition to up to a year-long ban from issuing work permits.

All violators who can either be detected by the Municipality of Abu Dhabi City and the Abu Dhabi Environment, Health and Safety Centre or the ministry will be downgraded to category C for at least three months, according to the ministry announcement made earlier this month.

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A spokesperson from the municipality confirmed trained municipal inspectors will conduct rigorous checks on worksites during the midday break rule period ensuring workers are supplied with sodium-enriched cold water, lemon and a cool place to rest.

During the period, management also needs to ensure daily work hours do not exceed eight hours in the morning or night.


The Health Authority Abu Dhabi share their guidelines on summer working

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