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RTA plans truck stops for heavy trucks

RTA initially focusing on construction of two lay-bys for trucks on highways in a passageway designated for trucks.

The Facilities & Installations Department of the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA), recently met local businessmen to explore managing a number of plots of land allocated as lay-bys for heavy trucks in the emirate of Dubai on a Build, Operate & Transfer (BOT) basis.

Abdullah Al Madani, CEO of RTA Corporate Technical Support Services Sector, said: “During the initial phase of the project, the RTA is focusing on the construction of two lay-bys for trucks on highways in a passageway mainly designated for trucks at all times.

Abdulla Yousef Al Ali, director of Facilities & Installations, RTA Corporate Technical Support Services Sector, made a visual presentation about the project and said: “Among the services to be provided at these lay-bys are outlets selling snacks, petrol stations, parking lots, oil and battery change and truck washing

These laybys will be similar to European truck stops, offering drivers a safe parking environment where they can rest and sleep. It is also expected to improve road safety by curbing accidents triggered by driver fatigue or sudden tyre bursts that requires a lay-by.

“The first plot is located alongside the Dubai Industrial City on the Dubai Bypass Road. It will contribute to easing traffic congestions caused by heavy trucks parked in a disorderly manner within the right-of-way of Dubai roads.

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