Saudi Arabia to begin bid process for development of worker housing at Neom

The government is said to have accelerated the pace of work at Neom

Saudi Arabia will begin inviting bids for the construction of residential cities for 100,000 project workers, within its $500bn Neom megaproject. The government plans to offer five to 10 bids over the coming six months.
Each of these residential cities will have the capacity to accommodate around 10,000 workers, said a report by the Saudi Gazette.
Deloitte is providing consultancy services to the government with regard to implementing the cities. It has developed the Foreign Investment Advisory Centre of Excellence with a view to assist prospective investors throughout their investment journey in the Kingdom.
The report stated that the Saudi government has accelerated the pace of implementing projects at Neom. Earlier this month, bids were invited for the construction of 31km of tunnels as part of ‘The Line’, a 170km belt of hyper-connected future communities, without cars and roads and built around nature, within the Neom megaproject, the report noted.