Al Mariah General Transport buys 29 ‘biosafe’ Scania Marcopolo buses

Biosafe features make it the safest and most environment friendly coach fleet in the country

Al Mariah General Transport has expanded its Abu Dhabi fleet with the purchase of 29 Scania Marcopolo luxury buses from Bin Brook Motors.
All unit engines are rated at Euro 6 bringing them in line with the greenest fuel options available in the UAE, said the Scania importer, adding that, by opting for BioSafe buses, the award-winning operator is also setting “another standard for the executive staff transport at the time of pandemic”.
According to Bin Brook, these are the first buses of their type in the UAE and have been fitted with integrated sanitising points, driver protection shield, disinfection of the air and the surfaces inside the toilet by means of UV-C and, “many more, to be benchmarked as the most safest and most environment friendly coach fleet in the country.”
“The story starts from first quarter of the year, when we won a prestigious project for the Executive Staff’s transportation in the Western Region of Abu Dhabi emirate,” said Ahmed Al Naggar, group managing director, Al Mariah General Transport.
“Bin Brook’s Sales & After Sales team, have been actively participating in the discussion since the beginning, providing all technical and commercial solutions, as a reliable partner. Our experience together was more than a decade old and we complimented each other for a successful execution of the project”
Following delivery in December, the buses entered into operation in the New Year. Al Mariah General Transport is now the biggest fleet owner of Scania coaches in the country.
“The challenges were many, which were inevitable due to the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic, immediately after the order was confirmed,” said Ayman Hafez, general manager, Bin Brook Motors. “Our principals, both Scania and Marcopolo were not exempted from the after effects. Despite all lock downs and logistic disruptions, with the great efforts from all stake holders, we managed to bring the buses to Abu Dhabi on time before the scheduled delivery.”
Mansur Ali, sales manager, Bin Brook Motors added: “We were keen on meeting the expectation of our customer in terms of performance, operating cost & reliability while specifying the coach. The same time we looked carefully in to the details of their customer’s demands, like safety, comfort and even to the minute design aspects.
“A few steps ahead towards the vision of Abu Dhabi for less carbon emission when choosing Euro 6. The BioSafe concept was introduced during the production time at Marcopolo and luckily we could incorporate it.”