Sultan of Oman issues directive for water and wastewater regulation

Oman Wastewater Services Company to run all water and wastewater activities in all governorates of Sultanate, except for Dhofar

His Majesty Sultan Haitham Bin Tarik of Oman has issued a directive for the regulation of the water and wastewater sector in the sultanate.
As per the decree, Oman Wastewater Services Company shall run the water and wastewater activities in all governorates of the Sultanate, except for Dhofar, where Dhofar Power Company will be in charge, a report by Oman News Agency says.
The report adds that the decrees states that all origins, assets, registers, rights, and obligations of the Public Authority for Water shall come under the purview of Oman Wastewater Services Company, while Dhofar Power Company shall take over all origins, assets, registers, rights and obligations of the Directorate-General of Water at the Office of Minister of State and Governor of Dhofar, stated the report.
Furthermore, all origins, assets, registers, rights and obligations related to the water and wastewater sector in all units of the State’s Administrative Apparatus shall come under the purview of Oman Wastewater Services Company and Dhofar Power Company, as assigned to each, in line with provisions of the above-mentioned first clause and second clause, the report concluded.