EmiratesGBC to strengthen provision of Green Building Tooltips

EmiratesGBC boosts its green building offering in partnership with Rain Bird and BASF

UAE-based Emirates Green Building Council (EmiratesGBC) has announced that it is strengthening the provision of its proprietary Green Building Tooltips.
It stated that it is doing this with added help from California-headquartered Rain Bird, a global manufacturer and provider of irrigation products and services, and builds on the continued sponsorship extended by BASF, the world’s largest chemical company.
Tooltips provides relevant information on green buildings for homeowners and developers, as well as for commercial building owners and tenants, architects, interior designers, planners and for educational institutions and healthcare providers, EmiratesGBC added. It also features three building typologies: Home, Office, and Schools and features a section for Lifestyle & Awareness.
With the support of Taqati, BASF and Rain Bird, EmiratesGBC aims to further educate the industry and the community on the best practices they can follow in achieving higher levels of energy and water use efficiency, as well as promote sustainable initiatives, it stated.
Dr Ali Al Jassem, chairman at EmiratesGBC, said that the Tooltips highlights the company’s commitment to foster awareness and knowledge about green buildings, and how through various measures, sustainable initiatives can be successfully incorporated in new buildings, as well as in retrofits.
Meanwhile, Anas Kilani, international business manager at Rain Bird, said: “Through the intelligent use of water, we are providing recommendations, advice and best practices to educate the community to achieve higher levels of water use efficiency. Improving the efficiency of the outdoor landscape irrigation can have a great impact on water conservation and promote sustainable initiatives.”
The green building consultant also stated that BASF supplies polyurethane systems and specialities that create application-oriented industry solutions to promote sustainable building practices using EmiratesGBC Tooltips.
Dr Udo Huenger, Middle East VP for BASF, said that the EmiratesGBC Tooltips has been doing a great job in highlighting how water management practices and high-performance thermal insulation products can improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
“Through our continued support to Tooltips, we are bringing the UAE’s green vision a step closer to the built environment and the general public,” he concluded.