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KNPC completes biofuels project in Kuwait

Kuwait National Petroleum Corp (KNPC) has announced the completion of its biofuels project, after its last two production units came on-stream.

According to the Kuwait News Agency that citied a KNPC official, the two new coal and naphtha hydro treating units will produce 37,000 and 8,400 barrels per day (bpd) of oil equivalent respectively.

“The two refineries are undergoing upgrades and expansion as part of the Clean Fuels Project (CFP) with a focus on producing higher-value products such as diesel and kerosene for export,” explained KNPC CEO Waleed Al Badr.

On completion, the Al Ahmadi refinery, which consists of 31 units, will have a production capacity of 364,000 bpd as per Abdullah Al Ajmi, the deputy CEO for projects.

After the units in Mina Abdullah come on-stream, the biofuel project will have a capacity of 800,000 bpd, he added.

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