Coronavirus: Call for delay in implementation of EU Stage V

Associations of equipment manufacturers send joint letter to European Commission asking for moratorium on new emission norms implementation and point out current challenges

Construction equipment makers have appealed to European authorities to delay the implementation of the EU Stage V emission regulations, originally slated to be completed by 2021, due to the COVID-19 emergency.
In a joint letter sent to the European Commission (EC), several associations of equipment manufacturers came together to ask for a moratorium on the application of 2020 and 2021 deadlines for exhaust emissions on the NRMM (non-road mobile machinery) category. The industry bodies that were signatories of the letter included the CECE, CEMA, EGMF, EUnited Municipal Equipment & Cleaning, Europgen and FEM.
The letter stated: “Complying with the regulation’s deadlines, manufacturing and procurement of transition engines have been completed. Machine manufacturers have now until 30th June 2020 to produce the <56kW and ≥130kW machines fitted with these transition engines, and then until 31st December 2020 to place these machines on the EU market. Identical deadlines apply in 2021 for machines in power ranges from 56kW to 130kW.
“The cosignatories point out that the COVID-19 outbreak is causing complete interruptions of supply of parts and components. This was the case from China for several weeks and is now starting for other components from Italy and other Member States. Indeed, as the pandemic is progressing, further interruptions – including because of government-imposed lockdowns – are being put in place, planned or expected in Europe and in the US.
“Without essential parts like tyres, axles, hydraulics, lighting and electronic equipment, manufacturers are effectively prevented from completing the construction of the machines by the imposed deadlines. As a result, they will not be able to place the machines on the market with the transition engines they had already acquired. Since it will be no longer possible to use them, these engines will have to be scrapped, which will lead to avoidable economic damage and unnecessary waste of raw materials and resources.”
Secretary General of the CECE, Riccardo Viaggi, said: “The situation is critical. A temporary moratorium must be granted, with deadlines postponed until the situation can be reassessed. Neutral from an environmental point of view, the measure would prevent further economic damage caused by the COVID-19 pandemic to our manufacturing industries and the jobs that depend on them.”