DSI subsidiary wins Iraq WWTP contract

Passavant-Roediger to design and build sludge treatment system for Kerbala plant

Passavant-Roediger GmbH, the wholly owned subsidiary of Drake and Scull International, has awarded a $23.4m contract for a Waste Water Treatment Plant in Kerbala, it was announced on Sunday.
The Iraq Ministry of Municipalities chose the wastewater treatment developer to design and build the sludge treatment system of the WWTP based on anaerobic sludge digestion, including energy recovery and generation from biogas. The project was awarded by the Al Hanan Contracting Company.
“Our global experience and patented technology will allow the implementation of an optimal treatment process tailored to the sophisticated requirements of this high- scale project,” said Dr Mazen Bachir, managing director of Passavant Roediger.
“Our modern digesters will guarantee energy saving operations and less consumption of chemical substance required for the treatment process while ensuring efficiency and long term profitability for the client. We are currently gearing up to mobilize on site shortly and we expect the project to be delivered in 2013,” he added.
The firm will install twelve sludge digesters each with a capacity of 3,400m3. They will all be equipped with Passavant Roediger’s Sequential Gas Lance Mixing System.
The firm’s patented anaerobic sludge digestion technology reduces sludge volumes and renders it harmless for safe discharge. It also allows the recovery of energy from the organic matter it treats. The process involved can generate up to 80% of the power requirements of a WWTP, Bachir said.
DSI acquired Passavant Roediger in 2009 to enhance its capabilities in the region’s water and wastewater sector. The subsidiary has operations across Europe, Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
It has a portfolio of several ongoing and completed projects in Iraq, including the Ramadi Sa’ad 21 Industrial Complex, the Arbil WWTP, Baquba WTP and the Salahudin Refinery, as well as more than twenty other projects in the water and wastewater treatment sectors.