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Arabtec subsidiary wins $74m in contracts

Target Engineering Construction Company, the Qatar based subsidiary of Dubai’s Arabtec Holding, has won four projects worth a total of $74m in Abu Dhabi and Qatar, it was announced on Monday.

A statement on the Dubai Financial Market website said that two of the projects were for Abu Dhabi Gas Industries (GASCO). One, a subcontract from Samsung Engineering, is valued at $16.6m, and is for the construction of two nitrogen gas injection trains. The second, valued at $11.4m, is for a gas metering system at Shuweihat, GASCO said.

Emirates 24/7, a Dubai based news website, reported that Arabtec said the third project involved installation work for Emirates Aluminium’s Phase II, and had a value of $3.64m.

The fourth project is worth $41.84m and is a sub-contract from Mitsubishi-Toyo Thai Consortium for Qatar Electricity and Water Company’s Ras Abu Fontas Independent Water Project.

Arabtec also announced that its Russian unit had signed a contract worth $123.3m for work on the Gazprom Tower, the headquarters of Gazprom in Saint Petersberg, Russia.

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