Wadi Al Oyun dam project is Oman 42% completed

Wadi Al Oyun dam project is Oman 42 per cent completed

Oman’s Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Water Resources have announced that the underground water recharge dam project at Wadi Al Oyun in the Wilayat of Al Mudhaibi in North Al Sharqiya Governorate in Oman is 42% completed.
The project is part of the Ministry’s efforts to optimise rainwater, preserve underground water to feed reservoirs and protect areas which are at risk of floods.
According to the Times of Oman, the dam will have a capacity of 743,000 cu m. and will be 1860 m long and 5.5 m high. The Ministry has said that they have completed all geotechnical works, protection works, and foundation works among others.
Additionally , the construction of the dam is aimed at further developing the water resources of Al Oyun and its adjacent areas by recharging underground reservoirs in the villages of the Wilayat.
The report further added that work is also progressing at the Wadi Al Saleef underground water recharge dam in the Wilayat of Ibri in the Governorate of Al Dhahirah.
Around 32 per cent of the construction has been completed for this dam, which will have a capacity of about 1 million cu m. and will be 3200 m long and 8.6 m tall.