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Region’s largest residential project completed in Abu Dhabi

Gulf Precast has completed the handover of 2069 villas in Abu Dhabi.

Gulf Precast has completed handover of the precast superstructure works for 2069 villas, one of the largest housing projects in the region and the suppliers own largest project, in less than three years.

Meeting the project target for five villas per day, Gulf Precast – the largest precast manufacturer in the UAE – produced 319,000 cubic metres of Precast Concrete, 740,350 square metres of Hollowcore Slabs and 7,600,000 kg of GFRC over two and a half years.

Manufacturing for the Al Falah Development villas began in June 2010, with manufacturing for a 190km boundary wall following in October 2010.

“This project was the largest ever undertaken by Gulf Precast. Not only did it mobilise a significant part of our six factories, but in addition we had to install a production facility directly on site,” said factory operations director, Sami Saab.

“The scope of Gulf Precast included all of the 18 different types of villas of the master development. Due to differences in site ground levels as well as layout specificity of each villa land area, the 94,000 elements of the 190 kilometres of boundary wall comprised 11,000 different types of columns and panels.”

Project challenges included the coordination of logistics, with more than 65 site cranes concurrently, according to project director Rani Talih, who described it as one of the most challenging projects of his career.

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