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Capital sees 1,516 buildings constructed in Q2

Abu Dhabi saw the completion of 1,516 buildings across the emirate in Q2 of 2012.

The Government of Abu Dhabi has said a total of 1,516 buildings have been completed in the emirate during the second quarter of this year.

Of the total, 68% were constructed in Abu Dhabi, 9% in Al Ain and 23% in Al Gharbia, figures from Statistics Centre – Abu Dhabi (SCAD) revealed.

The Abu Dhabi region saw the completion of 3,302 residential units during the quarter, 17.3% higher than the 2,816 units completed in the first quarter of 2012.

In Al Ain region, 145 units were completed, marking a decrease of 44 units compared with the first quarter.

In contrast, the number of residential units completed in Al Gharbia region climbed 42.2% to 118 units, up from 83 units in the previous quarter, the SCAD report said.

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