ALBA boosts performance with potline upgrade

Upgrade is expected to improve work conditions for employees, boosting productivity and performance levels

Aluminium Bahrain (ALBA) has said it has invested around $100,000 to install new air ventilation louvers in the north side of both potlines 4 and 5, as part of a plan to achieve zero harm across the plant.
The project was launched in 2011 as part of the overall initiative to improve work conditions for employees on a regular basis, boost productivity and enhance performance levels, said ALBA.
“The safety of our employees and improving their work environment remains a continued focus as well as a priority,” said Alba’s Chief Executive, Laurent Schmitt.
“With smoother air circulation and cooler work conditions made possible, the new air ventilation louvers are expected to play a key role in boosting performance levels,” he said.
The upgrade is expected to benefit operators working in the north side of the potlines who are involved in activities like anode changing, pot maintenance, etc.
The system has been designed to close in winter and open in summer and thereby provide increased flexibility to employees.
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