DSI announces management appointments

Appointments are in line with the firm’s goal of strengthening its position in the MEP sector

Drake & Scull International (DSI) has announced a number of high profile appointments to its executive management team, in line with its efforts to restructure and streamline business operations.
The firm says the appointments will also help strengthen its position in the mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) sector.
As per a statement from DSI, Ziad Makhzoumi has been appointed as an advisor to the Board of Directors. He was previously CEO of Fakih IVF and has over 30 years of leadership and executive experience. He will be tasked with stabilising DSI’s business, streamlining and revitalising operations and improving the financial position of the group.
“The success of our organisational vision depends on the dedication and capacity of our people and leadership. Right now, Drake and Scull is implementing a comprehensive plan that will determine the company’s future direction. Our latest executive management appointments and changes are geared towards ensuring that we have highly capable leaders in place who can help implement our reorganisational efforts in the fastest and best way possible. Our new set of appointees will play crucial roles in driving more productivity and growth for the company,” said Mohammed Atatreh, group managing director and board member of Drake & Scull International.
Other senior appointments include Muin El Saleh, as managing director of the company’s UAE operations, Dr. Fadi Feghali, as DSI’s new managing director of International Operations and Musa Ibrahim, group chief legal officer. The firm also appointed Ismail Mohammad as deputy general manager of GTCC in the UAE and Saher Ghazi Kamal, as acting managing director for KSA.