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Hill, AECOM win $85m contract for Midfield Terminal at ADIA

Abu Dhabi Airports Company has awarded Hill International, in association with AECOM Technology Corporation the $85m construction management contract for the new Midfield Terminal Complex at Abu Dhabi International Airport.

Hill’s five-year subcontract to AECOM has an estimated value of around $42m. AECOM will take responsibility for many aspects of the construction of the 696,772m2 terminal building, as well as the required associated airside and landside infrastructure, a multi-story car park, cargo building, catering building, maintenance complex and other supporting facilities.

Set to open in 2017, the Midfield Terminal Complex is planned to handle more than 30 million passengers and will have sufficient piers to accommodate 65 aircraft, including the Airbus A380.

The central space of the building could hold three full-sized football fields and features a ceiling 52 metres tall at its highest point.

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