
Emkaan: Creating cooler living, working spaces critical in UAE

Consultancy is focusing on efficient building design

Muhammed Obaid

Focusing on efficient building designs is the only way to create cooler living and working environments in the UAE, according to a statement issued by Emkaan.

The architectural and engineering firm says that in 2010, temperatures in the UAE hit a record high, and claims that meteorologists believe temperatures will reach this level again in 2017.

The consultancy says it is currently involved in several projects focused on creating optimal living spaces within the UAE.

“We design buildings that deliver on their function, look appealing and complement their surroundings. Operating in a place like the UAE, which experiences extreme temperatures for a large part of the year, means that one of our main considerations in all projects is to make the space as comfortable as possible. This often centres around homes and buildings being a ‘cool’ space, and a sanctuary away from the outdoor heat and humidity,” says Muhammed Obaid, principal architect, partner and manager at Emkaan.

Obaid says that his firm implements passive cooling in its designs, which focus on heat gain control and heat dissipation in a building, to improve indoor thermal comfort with little or no energy consumption.

The architect says that panels made of phenolic material are ideal for warmer countries, and says that nano-technology paint can help keep buildings cool, thus reduce cooling requirements and energy consumption.

“Engineers at Stanford University created a revolutionary coating material that can help cool buildings, even on sunny days. Known as photonic radiative cooling, the ultra-thin, multi-layered material acts as a highly efficient mirror that reflects virtually all of the incoming sunlight that strikes it, and radiates heat away from the buildings and sends it directly into space,” explains Obaid.

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