Kuwait ‘to tackle climate change with new benchmarks’

The comprehensive national inventory system to monitor critical data

After the successful delivery of the UAE Green House Gases (GHG) inventory for three consecutive years, Dubai Carbon is now cooperating with the UN Environment to develop a national inventory system (NIS) for GHG emissions in Kuwait, according to a Dubai Carbon press statement.
The first coordination meeting between Dubai Carbon, Kuwait Environment Public Authority (EPA) and local stakeholders took place in Kuwait recently.
As part of this project, Dubai Carbon will aid in the preparation of the ‘first biennial update report’ for Kuwait – funded by the Global Environment Facility – by developing a national inventory system for the country’s GHG emissions. Dubai Carbon will also propose procedures and protocols for reporting data and information exchange among relevant stakeholders, to be adopted by Kuwait.
“The development of an NIS will reinforce Kuwait’s commitment to the same, and greatly help in creating a national roadmap for capturing emissions and removals of greenhouse gases. We are witnessing a wave of positivity among Arab states, when it comes to tackling environmental issues. We are developing a similar system for Oman and Bahrain as well,” commented Eng. Waleed Salman, chair of Dubai Carbon.
Eng. Shareef Alkhayat, general coordinator of the second national communication project, Kuwait EPA, said that this system would serve the Environment Protection Law. It will facilitate the reporting process for Kuwait, which will help in meeting commitments and developing a sustainable strategy for climate change in the country.