Qatar green building council holds Sustainable building forum

Forum to discuss where the Middle East is in relation to the global sustainability challenge

In cooperation with Qatar Green Building Council (QGBC) MEED is holding the first Qatar Sustainable Building Forum at the Renaissance City Centre Hotel in Doha.
The aim of the forum is to bring together local and international sustainability experts to give a comprehensive look at the role and influence sustainability has in the building industry.
Speakers at the forum include Dr Yousuf al Horr from the Gulf Organisation for Research & Development, Dr Alex Amato, head of Sustainability at QGBC, and Dr Mohammed Raouf from Kahramaa’s Conservation & Energy Efficiency Department.
On the agenda is to discuss where the Middle East is in relation to the global sustainability challenge, the ongoing development of effective green building assessment systems and their role on the building industry, and the best practices for sustainable design, architecture, engineering, and technologies.
Dr Amato said of the event, “This forum is a milestone in Qatar’s mission to establish an overarching carbon agenda within the development of its built environment. QGBC’s participation in this event demonstrates its commitment to collaborate with like-minded partners who seek to establish a knowledge-based economy through dialogue, thought-leadership and applied research. Our participation…is indicative of Qatar’s progressive development in sustainability training, awareness raising, and research and development.”