
Construction jobs: UAE bucks trend with 6% growth in listings

Sector saw more online job postings in July, despite decline in wider Gulf and Egypt –

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The UAE construction industry is hiring, with an increase in jobs posted online over the last year, despite a decline in the wider Arabian Gulf and Egypt, a new report shows.

Engineering, construction and real estate is now the third-fastest growing sector for recruitment in the UAE, according to a report by

The recruitment website’s monthly Monster Employment Index showed a 6% increase in online job postings in the sector in July compared to the same time last year.

That bucked the wider trend in the UAE, with a 22% decline in overall online job postings, the index showed.

There was also a 12% decline in job listings in the engineering, construction and real estate sector in the Gulf and Egypt region as a whole, with the index for that sector now at its lowest level for at least a year, the Monster data show.

Healthcare ranked as the fastest growing occupation in the UAE, something that is providing a boost to the construction industry, said Sanjay Modi, Managing Director for the APAC and Middle East regions at

“Amid an uncertain employment landscape in the UAE, healthcare continues to demonstrate strong demand for medical professionals, and with exciting plans ahead in the industry, opportunities are bound to arise across other sectors as well including construction, technology and education which will be needed to support these initiatives,” Modi said in a statement. cited recent developments in the healthcare field, including the construction of a number of new international hospitals across the UAE, and a $2 billion project to establish a modern medical university by 2017.

The Monster Employment Index measures job posting activity in the Middle East, based on data from many employers and online recruitment sites.

The overall Monster Employment Index Middle East fell 31% year-on-year in July, with only Bahrain, Kuwait and Oman recording positive annual growth in listings.

Egypt recorded the most notable annual decline in online recruitment among all monitored countries, with a 34% drop in listings.

In Saudi Arabia, the oil and gas sector was the strongest growing, with a 46% growth in job listings, while among the occupations measured, engineering and production saw a 30% drop.

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